President Donald Trump packs arena

President Donald Trump landed on Air Force One in Fargo, North Dakota with Representative Kevin Cramer who is running for the Senate seat.  President Trump was greeted by a fully packed Scheels Arena inside that hosted over 6,000 people plus a huge crowd outside.  The stage had three American flags with one extremely large flag for backdrop and a filled audience with red Trump hats.  The music sounded, “I’m Proud to Be An American” as Trump entered the podium area.

President Trump was in Fargo to support Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer’s run for the Senate seat held by Democrat Heidi Heitkamp. Cramer welcomed Trump to Fargo and thanked him for coming to support his campaign.

Trump acknowledged a number of dignitaries from North Dakota and included the Bison national football champions.

Trump spoke about the announcement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement. The speech lasting over an hour to a jubilant crowd included tariffs, new steel and aluminum factories opening up in the near future, low unemployment rate, tax breaks, military Space Force and more.  Trump spoke to the farmers and the agricultural base of North Dakota and gave assurance that with patience the positive will win out. 

Mitchell Walters/Nancy Ann Peterson, Photographer – 2018