World of Concrete 2019

                  World of Concrete 2019

The World of Concrete (WOC) for 2019 held the only International event that brings commercial concrete and the masonry industry together under one roof. Technology is moving at a fast-intense pace that attending the WOC event brought the professionals sharing their information for all to help grow their presence in the market with efficiency.  The World of Concrete had 60,511 registered professionals that attended 187 seminars and educational training sessions on a wide range of advanced equipment and safety fundamentals.  

WOC held its first show in February 1975 and has continued with strong growth of exhibits.  2019 had 1,500 exhibiting companies representing various departments of the concrete industry including 259 brand new companies.  The indoor/outdoor exhibit spaces covered nearly 2.4 million square feet at the Las Vegas Convention Center.  World of Concrete 2020 will be February 4-7 with seminars February 3-7 at Las Vegas Convention Center.

                  Larry Reiser/Jerry Nelson, Photographer